Applying to offer FEE-HELP assistance to your eligible students


The introduction of FEE-HELP in 2004 was a major step in levelling the higher education playing field. It has become a valuable marketing tool for independent higher education providers and a great benefit for their eligible students.

In order to gain access to FEE-HELP for their students an Institute of Higher Education must be approved as a FEE-HELP Provider.


To be approved as a FEE-HELP Provider an institution must:

be a body corporate which carries on its business in Australia;

have as its principal purpose education and/or research;

deliver at least one accredited higher education course;

be financially viable (as set out in the current version of the Financial Viability Instructions for Applicants);

observe certain quality and accountability requirements; and

supply data to the Commonwealth as required.


Consult Ed is available to support approved Institutes of Higher Education prepare their applications to become a FEE-HELP Provider. We can assist you by:

providing an Evidence Gathering Tool outlining the documentation required to lodge an application to become a FEE-HELP Provider;

advising the institution regarding the requirements of the application process;

reviewing documentation provided by the institution;

developing new policies in line with specific FEE-HELP requirements and amending current policy;

assisting with the uploading of the application into HITS;

assisting with any requests for further information arising from the application.

Consult Ed has assisted many institutions to gain approval, so if you are thinking of becoming a FEE-HELP Provider but would like some assistance with the application process, perhaps we can help you.


For a no obligation discussion please contact us.